Thursday, August 25

Questions I wish I would've asked my Mom

Many of you already know that my my mom passed away a while back. I was astonished to realize afterwards that there were so many questions I would've asked my mom. While none of you are in the exact same - but here are some of the questions I wish I would've asked - and maybe you'll be inspired to not only come up with your own list - but to actually ask you mom as many of them as you can.

1. What made you chose to be a teacher?
2. How did you cope with losing your mom?
3. How was it not having your mom there for all those important life-moments ... your marriage, your first child - all the rest, your first child graduating, marrying, having their own children ... ? How did you make it through all major mile-stones without your mom?
4. How did you keep your faith in light of all the diagnoses you received ... cardiovascular dementia, diabetes, internal bleeding, heart-murmur and on and on. You were sweet and eager to laugh - how'd you do that?
5. Had were your dreams for your retirement?
6. What was it about Dad that made you fall for him?
7. What was it about you (besides your good grades in Greek class - we've all heard that story) that made you fall for him?
8. How did you fall into the habit of mentoring the women around you at being godly, loving moms?
9. How come you didn't talk about that mentoring at home?

yes - that's my mom's senior year photo.
Be sure to thank your mom for being there with you.

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